
Study Stays, Off Campus Accommodation is a free service provided by UNSW Student Life and Communities for students to assist searching for housing vacancies around each of our campuses. No on-campus accommodation is listed on this site and we recommend reviewing on-campus option at www.rc.unsw.edu.au 

Landlords, real estate agents and students in share-houses can use this service to list available properties. Please review our terms for Students and Providers along with the Privacy Policy for additional information. 

The University recommends that you make arrangements to stay in temporary accommodation for the first few weeks in order to find a suitable longer term accommodation options on Study Stays.

Stay safe online and always remembe

* Do not pay any money to a provider before you have seen the accommodation in person
* Requests for up front payments may be scams
* Don't trust emails that say pay money and they will have the keys delivered to you

Read the renting guide - NSW Fair Trading (opens an external site)